Teodor Grigor GitHub Profile | LinkedIn Profile | Portfolio grigor.teodor@gmail.com (+40) 758 334 888 Kotlin | Jetpack Compose | MVVM & MVI | KMM | Git | Testing | DI EXPERIENCE MarleySpoon | Remote Android Developer - Freelancer June 2022 – Present * Leveraging Kotlin and Jetpack Compose: Designed, developed, and maintained high-performance, visually-appealing Android applications for MarleySpoon, a leading meal kit delivery service. * Agile Collaboration: Collaborated effectively with cross-functional teams (designers, product managers) to translate user needs into well-defined features, ensuring a seamless user experience. * Focus on Quality and Efficiency: Implemented the MVI pattern to streamline development and maintain clean code architecture. * Data Fetching Expertise: Utilized GraphQL to efficiently fetch and manage data within the app, ensuring optimal performance. * Tech Stack: Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, MVI Pattern, GraphQL, Dagger Hilt (Dependency Injection), Room (Database), Firebase Suit, JUnit/Espresso (testing), Retrofit/OkHttp. Wave Studio | Remote Mobile Developer - Freelancer May 2021 – May 2022 * Agile Teamwork: Collaborated effectively within cross-functional teams (designers, project managers) at Wave Studio to ensure smooth development and delivery of mobile tools. * Large-Scale App Management: Successfully managed mobile applications with a massive user base, exceeding 200 million installs and supporting 1 million daily active users. Focused on maintaining a seamless and enjoyable user experience at scale. * RESTful API Integration: Proactively utilized RESTful APIs to efficiently query Wave Studio's platform, retrieving and processing data necessary for the mobile applications. * Modern Development Stack: Leveraged Kotlin (primary), along with Java for legacy code, and XML for UI layouts. Implemented the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern to structure and manage the application architecture. * Tech Stack: Kotlin (primary), Java, XML, and MVVM Pattern, JUnit/Espresso (testing), Retrofit/OkHttp. ZeoFlow | Northampton, United Kingdom Lead Android Developer May 2019 – April 2021 * Technical Leadership: Drafted comprehensive technical documents, including whitepapers, to guide development strategy and ensure project alignment. * Full-Stack Ownership: Built the entire application architecture, utilizing Kotlin for a robust and maintainable codebase. * Performance Optimization: Conducted thorough lifecycle testing and implemented memory usage improvements, ensuring a smooth user experience. * API Development: Designed and built a RESTful API using PHP, enabling core functionalities like login, registration, user profiles, post views, and various other tasks. * Tech Stack: Kotlin, XML (UI), MVVM Pattern (architecture), PHP (API), Git (version control), JUnit/Espresso (testing). Contar.io | Brasov, Romania Lead Android Developer September 2019 – October 2019 * Agile Leadership: Led a team of 3 Android developers, fostering collaboration and ensuring efficient delivery of the application within a short timeframe (2 months). * Full-Stack Development: Built the core Android application using Kotlin (primary) and Java, leveraging the MVVM pattern for clean and maintainable code. * API Integration: Designed and implemented a RESTful API using PHP, enabling functionalities like login, registration, user profile management, and other essential tasks. * Tech Stack: Kotlin, XML (UI), MVVM Pattern (architecture), PHP (API). DolphPire | Brasov, Romania Lead Android Developer March 2018 – August 2019 * Led the development and delivery of new features for the company's Android applications. * Managed the entire development cycle: Designed, developed, tested, and released functionalities, ensuring quality and performance. * Efficient Data Integration: Utilized RESTful APIs to seamlessly retrieve and display server data within the applications. * Tech Stack: Kotlin (primary), Java, XML (UI), MVVM Pattern (architecture), Unit testing frameworks (JUnit/Espresso), Gradle (build system), REST APIs. Android Developer September 2017 – February 2018 * Strong Technical Communication: Effectively translated technical specifications (SRS, SDS) into actionable solutions for mobile development. * Collaborative Development: Worked closely with product managers, mobile leads, and UX/UI specialists to fully comprehend business requirements and translate them into user-centric features. FronzeCode | Brasov, Romania Junior Android Developer November 2016 – August 2017 * Collaborative Development: Functioned effectively within a small development team, contributing to the design and development of various application components. Gained valuable experience in the collaborative development process. * Communication & Problem-Solving: Collaborated closely with my teammate to clearly define problem specifications and establish solutions. Developed strong communication and problem-solving skills essential for successful software development. * Android Development Fundamentals: Learned and implemented core Android development concepts, including activity lifecycle, UI development with XML, and basic interactions with data storage. * Testing & Debugging: Assisted with testing functionalities and debugging minor issues, fostering a foundation for understanding quality assurance practices. * Learning & Adaptability: Proactively learned new skills and adapted to evolving technologies, demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning in a dynamic field. * Development Environment: Gained experience using Android Studio, the primary development environment for building Android applications. Education University of Northampton | Northampton, United Kingdom Games Programming BSc (Hons) September 2019 - June 2022 * Relevant Courseware: - Artificial Intelligence Techniques (CSY3025) - Databases (CSY1026) - Fundamentals of Computing System (CSY1043) - Game Techniques (CSY1024, CSY2034, CSY3030) - Graphics (CSY2033, CSY3028) - Group Project (CSY1025, CSY2035, CSY3031) - Indie Games Development (CSY2058) - Mobile Application Development (CSY2061) - Modern Network (CSY2026) - Native Programming and Compilation (CSY2059) - Problem Solving and Programming (CSY1020) - Simulation and Dynamics (CSY3045) - Video Games Architecture and Optimisation (CSY1044) ACTIVITIES, LEADERSHIP AND AWARDS University Competitions 1st Place in the Digifest Hackathon (out of 7 teams) April 2020 Led my team to 1st place (out of 7 teams) at the Digifest Hackathon. We designed and developed a web application and a Unity game to revolutionize the student learning experience. My innovative approach and effective implementation were instrumental in securing our victory. MIT App Inventor | Most Liked Application (out of 177850 apps) April 2016 – September 2020 Built an engaging and user-friendly social networking application using the MIT App Inventor platform. The app achieved exceptional user reception, garnering the "Most Liked Application" distinction (out of 177,850 apps) – a testament to my ability to create intuitive and valuable software solutions. Open Source Software Contributions Teogor (View Contributions) Aug 2022 - Present Actively contributing to the development of open-source libraries at Teogor. This experience showcases my passion for open-source software and strengthens my collaborative development skills.